
Logo UNESCOUNESCO is the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organisation.


Based on the international treaty known as the Convention for the Protection of the World Cultural and Natural Heritage adopted in 1972, UNESCO protects and preserves the sites that represent a heritage of the past - which all of us benefit from today - destined to be handed down to future generations.

What renders the concept of World Heritage exceptional is the universality of its application. The sites included in the World Heritage List belong to the peoples of the whole world, regardless of the territory on which they are located. Each country has sites that are of local or national interest and which are, and rightly so, a source of national pride. The 1972 Convention encourages member Countries to identify and preserve their own heritage whether registered in the World Heritage List or not. The difference between a World Heritage site and a national heritage site lies in the concept of "exceptional universal value". The sites selected to constitute the World Heritage are chosen for their specific characteristics, which make them the best possible example of the cultural and national heritage of the whole world. (Ufficio Patrimonio Mondiale UNESCO)

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